Welcome to my first blog post!

I use public transport all the time, I have an Oyster Card for when I am in Central London and just getting about and for my daily commute I buy prepaid for the year – it helps that my company pay for it up front and I can pay them back monthly with no interest.

The reason that I brought the Oyster Card was for when I go and get my monthly taste of the London escorts, I can’t help myself really but I love to do it and very much doubt that I will ever stop! This is the reason really that I am writing this post, it is about travel and its also about some of the sexy London escorts that I have seen via this agency.

Ok, so the other day I decided that I would leave work early, I can get away with it about twice a month, that way I get to see the escort – always an incall, and then am back at home without the wife knowing. I always use the same agency because I know that they are discrete and they would never phone me or text me when I wasn’t on a booking, I have been thinking that I should get a phone that I can just leave at work and only use for when I book escorts – that way there is no chance in hell that she could find it.

So I have booked the girl and ducked out early but when I am on the tube I find out that London Bridge station is nearly closed, they are running some services but no where near as many as normal and that I would have to use Waterloo for where I want to get to but of course Waterloo is packed with the extra people that have travelled down from London Bridge.

At London Bridge they are doing some major works to improve the station, I always thought that it was ok but they are spending millions on it.

Improvement works are great but boy did they slow me down getting to my date with the escort that I had booked, the works are going to go on for some time so I guess I will just have to find another quicker way around it. There is no way that I am ever going to give up my little treat to myself!

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